Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Trip to Mars : How Far is the Mars from Earth ?

Mars-One has Recently Announced their Round 2 of Astronaut Selection to its One-Way Trip to Mars. Out of that list 292 are from US , 75 from Canada and 62 Candidates shortlisted from India .

So, Did you ever taught how far is Mars from Earth ? How long does it take ? Well, here is the Outline of how far is the Mars. 

If you Travel at 7000 pixels a second (around 3 times the speed of  light ) 

At the current state of space Technology It will take atleast 150 days to get to Mars.

As per Mars-one , the current timeline for a manned mission to Mars is in 2024.

And its going to be 428,000 pixels away from Planet Earth, Also its half  wide of Earth , which is 53 pixels. 

Lets Wish Good luck to our Mars-One Team.

Source : distancetomars , Mars-one


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