Showing posts with label Dropbox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dropbox. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

How to Protect Your Online Personal Information

In recent Internet Smart technology days every one's personal information is being stored in the online in a form of a different Social Networking site. At same time Social networking sites has hundreds of Applications/Plugins/Games which we give permission to access our personal information knowingly OR Unknowingly.

Do you know how many Apps access your personal information ?

       Well, there is a way My Permissions Cleaner . MyPermissions cleaner can scan your Social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter .. etc and shows you the list of Apps has access to your personal info, It Also protects your Privacy with Real-Time Alerts to your email when ever any App got access to your Personal Information.  Once you add all your Social Networks to My Permissions Clearner App, then you can manager your Privacy with one click.

iPhone App
Android App

Friday, October 18, 2013

How to Convert your Sound files to Professional Audio standard

Auphonic is a free service which helps you convert your Sound files to a Professional Audio standard with its web-service and uploads to your favorite Cloud services like Youtube, SoundCloud, Dropbox or your FTP location. 

Auphonic does Automatic Audio leveling, normalization, noise reduction and encoding and cleans up to a Professional Standard and sends your Audio/Video to your podcasting Service and you can also backup your podcasts from your cloud drive .

Auphonic is a free service, Its one of the must have Service for all the Bloggers, Broadcasters, Podcast creators, and Screencasts.

It balances levels between speakers, music and speech to new broadcast standards with noise reduction and filtering of disturbing low frequencies and uploads  your formatted file to Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, HTTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, YouTube, SoundCloud, Libsyn, Blubrry and 

Auphonic has also have Mobile App's for both iOS and Android with on-board recorder. 

Source: One Thing Well

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to host your website on Dropbox ?

If you are looking to host your website quickly and easily without paying to any hosting providers, Dropbox is the great place for you.. It takes less than 5 minutes to setup your website. You can publish this site with just txt  files and you don't need to have any knowledge with css, javascript.

You may also like : How to backup your website

Here is the Steps to host your website on Dropbox

  • Create your Account on Dropbox:  If you don't have an account with Dropbox already , You create one here

  • Login to my Droppages site where you will get to pick a name for your website by logging into DropPages and click SignIn. 

  • It will ask you to authenticate with your Dropbox credentials and once you login you can create your website like , Here is the site i have created

  • It creates a simple website displaying Hello World page, To make it a full website, download this website template and copy it under your website folder in Dropbox and make necessary changes to the .txt files under Content folder to modify the text on pages. 

  • After that you can make necessary changes as needed by modifying the Default.html page under Templates folder. 

  • If you don't want to use the url with , you can upgrade your account on and you can pick your own domain name as increase the Data size as needed. 

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