Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Search the Web without leaving your doc in Google Drive

Are you a Research Scholar, Student or a writer who uses Google Drive often and ofcourse we need Google search some information and capture some images and/or some snippets from Other websites. 

Here is the Great way to search Internet with out leaving your Document in Google Drive. 

  • In Middle of your writing just click on Tools --> Research to open a Search Dialogue with in your Document . 


  • Once the Dialogue opened start typing what you wanted to search and it gives you all the Information about your search including Location, Related Links and Images.

  • With Research Feature You can also select to see which Images you can use it for free on your Document for personal Use or Even Commercial Use. 

  • And its not limited to just searching, you can also do Preview of each search result , you can insert your search result directly into your working Document as well as you can even do Citation. 

Happy Research........... !! 


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