Showing posts with label Internet Explorer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Explorer. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Search the Web without leaving your doc in Google Drive

Are you a Research Scholar, Student or a writer who uses Google Drive often and ofcourse we need Google search some information and capture some images and/or some snippets from Other websites. 

Here is the Great way to search Internet with out leaving your Document in Google Drive. 

  • In Middle of your writing just click on Tools --> Research to open a Search Dialogue with in your Document . 


  • Once the Dialogue opened start typing what you wanted to search and it gives you all the Information about your search including Location, Related Links and Images.

  • With Research Feature You can also select to see which Images you can use it for free on your Document for personal Use or Even Commercial Use. 

  • And its not limited to just searching, you can also do Preview of each search result , you can insert your search result directly into your working Document as well as you can even do Citation. 

Happy Research........... !! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Explore the Mount Everest, Worlds Highest Mountain.

In Partnership with Microsoft InternetExplorer GlacierWorks take you on a breathtaking expedition to Everest -- If you are navigating it on touchpad, you can explore with using only your fingertips.

GlacierWorks mission is to educate and raise awareness about the Greater Himalaya through art, science and exploration. They used very high definition cameras where you can zoom into very minute details of each area of the Himalayas. Addition to its website GlacierWorks raises awareness through worldwide exhibitions and by providing content for use in classrooms to educate students not only about climate change but also broader earth and environmental science themes.

Checkout this video for a complete exploration:

Source: Microsoft