Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Websphere Commerce Build and Deploy ( WCBD ) with Jenkins Integration - Checkout

If you are a Jenkins fan and wanted to integrate your WCBD with jenkins to use in Graphical way to perform your builds, its easy.. !!

Create a Checkout Job in Jenkins to execute your source code from your favourite Source control system.

  • So, when ever you tried to execute the Checkout Build, Jenkins will try to checkout the source code by using the "Svn Update" with SVN Revert before update, so that there is no chance of leaving older version of files in your file system . 
  • Navigate the path to your source directory by navigating back from Jenkins default directory.
  • Then you can completely comment out the extract job from your WCBD scripts like below.
# Properties for extraction

# Whether source code extraction should be done.
# @default
#   true
# @valid-values
#   <ul>
#     <li>true</li>
#     <li>false</li>
#   </ul>
  • Then execute the below command from Jenkins to perform the checkout from Jenkins and Compilation using wcbd scripts.
/usr/opt/app/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/wcbd/wcbd-ant -buildfile /usr/opt/app/IBMWebSphere/CommerceServer70/wcbd/wcbd-build.xml

All Set, Now Jenkins will perform Checkout and WCBD will perform compilation and building Zip file for your deployment. 

Good luck & Happy Jenkins :) 


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