Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

Need an Enough Noise for Work ?

Is the Noise Always bad for a Creative Taught's & Work productivity ? Well, the Survey says other wise. Read here for more details.

University of Chicago has conducted a Survey and found that Working in a limited Noisy Environment's ( like Coffee Shops ) improves the Work productivity than a Silent Environment. 

Are you a person who works from Home , OR Are you a person who has a closed cabin and where Silence dominates your Creativity ?

  • Research Shows It's Pretty Hard to be Creative in a Quiet Space .  

  • At Same time Loud Workspace can be Frustrating and can't put your focus.

  • But the Mix of Calm and commotion in a environment like a coffee house is proven to be the best environment for your Creative Thinking..!!

So, Now you know that Coffee shop environment is great for Creative juices to be flown , Lets get the Coffee shop to your work station by simply visiting Coffitivity. 

Coffitivity has Customized apps for your Android, iPhone, Mac Book where you can create your own Coffee Shop work environment. 

Give it a Try with Coffitivity and Go Creative .. !! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

How to Convert your Sound files to Professional Audio standard

Auphonic is a free service which helps you convert your Sound files to a Professional Audio standard with its web-service and uploads to your favorite Cloud services like Youtube, SoundCloud, Dropbox or your FTP location. 

Auphonic does Automatic Audio leveling, normalization, noise reduction and encoding and cleans up to a Professional Standard and sends your Audio/Video to your podcasting Service and you can also backup your podcasts from your cloud drive .

Auphonic is a free service, Its one of the must have Service for all the Bloggers, Broadcasters, Podcast creators, and Screencasts.

It balances levels between speakers, music and speech to new broadcast standards with noise reduction and filtering of disturbing low frequencies and uploads  your formatted file to Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, HTTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, YouTube, SoundCloud, Libsyn, Blubrry and 

Auphonic has also have Mobile App's for both iOS and Android with on-board recorder. 

Source: One Thing Well

Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to find my Lost Android Device ?

Are you one of the person you forgot where you dropped your phone, OR if you ever misplaced your Android device some where in Restaurant, Hotel, Car.. Now Android's New Device Manager.

If you lost/misplaced your phone, Android Device Manager let's you locate your Phone in the Google Map, even it will let you Ring your Phone with Maximum volume, even though your phone is set to Silent or in Vibration.

Incase if your phone is stolen and can''t be recovered Device Manager you can quickly and securely Erase all your data on your phone remotely , so that it wont end up in wrong hands.

Who can use this Service ?

Any Android device owner running Android 2.2 or Above can utilize this Service. 

Source: Google

Monday, August 26, 2013

High Quality Photo's for Print on the Go and pick-up in one hour using KickSend

We take a lot of photos on our Mobile phones daily in different places like Parties, functions , work , on the way ...  If you want to take  High Quality prints of your photos on Mobile and send it to nearest CVS , Walgreens to you or send it your Dad and pickup in one hour.

  • Download the Add called "KickSend" from either Apple Store, or Google Play.
  • No Signup required. 
  • Select the Prints for your self or for family 
  • and send to nearest Walgreens, Target, CVS 
  • Pickup in One hour.  That simple.