Showing posts with label Mac Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mac Tips. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Must have Creative apps for iOS

iPhones and iPads became most powerful and popular educational/presentational tools , A Case Study demonstrates iPad's are widely being used in Educational and professional presentation / learning. To take advantage of more creative and interactive presentations, these are very few must have iPad/iPhone apps. 

  • Pic Collage  ( Free , Compatible with iPhone/iPad) 

 Pic Collage lets you arrange your photos into frames - or get creative with freeform collages, cutouts, boarders, stickers. Its just like photoshop with your fingers. This App is useful for the ages from 5 to 100 with free pic Collage and dress up your photos. 

  • FlowBoard ( Free, Compatible with iPad ) 

FlowBoard is a Story Telling and Presentation App that allows you to make side-scrolling presentations with images, text, videos, pdf's and links. FlowBoard allows to share an idea, tell your story, present a document right from your iPad.  It also allows you to create your with your content in the cloud like Google Drive, SkyDrive, Dropbox.

Funny Movie Maker - Replace your face instantly and create hilarious movies to share with friends. Choose any face photos of friends, celebrities, politicians or even yourself and record videos by replacing their mouth with yours, Adjust the pitch of your voice and add music to complete your movie. By using this you can make even your pets talk, or your body parts talk and share it with your friends and family. 

  •  TouchCast ( Free, Compatible with iPad, soon for Desktop ) 

TouchCast , Its a new way of experiencing the Web inside Video,  It's unique Authoring environment allows you to effortlessly add any thing from web, images and other interactive features into your video. In a simple words, you can create a responsive , fully browsable and live Videos, just like having TV Studio at your home. 

J2E is an online creativity tool purely designed for education purpose, It brings the power of web 2.0 presentations into your life.  It's so easy to use, versatile yet so powerful, You can add text to speech to your master peace and you can do realtime collaboration with other j2e registered users at same time. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Battery life after iOS7, Tips to Save Battery on iPhone

Awaiting iOS7 has been Officially released to all the Compatible devices of Apple. Ofcourse iOS7 is soo neat and yeah sexy :) 

As per Apple iOS7 has been optimized to increase the Battery life, Well there are many folks facing Battery Drain issues on the iPhone 4s/5 .  

Here are some simple clicks where you can improve some of the features with out losing the key features of the iOS7. 

  • Disable Background App Refresh:  It's one of the feature contributes to suck the Batter life. To Disable it, Goto Settings --> General --> Background App Refresh 

  • Disable iAds:  If you are not too fancy about getting location based Ad's , Disable it to save some Batter.  To disable it, goto Settings --> Privacy --> Location Services --> System Services 

  • Disable Reduce Motion:  This feature will reduce the motion of the User interface , icons and alerts.. You can save some more by disabling it. by navigating to Settings --> General --> Accessibility --> Reduce Motion

  • Turn off unused Location Services : yeah, we need Location Services to be enabled for better user experience of iPhone, But we can same some battery life by disable Location Services for the Apps which we don't use often.

  • Finally, By Turning off Bluetooth, Wi-fi , Air Drop when we are not using with just one swipe . 

Monday, September 9, 2013

How to Open Folder structure from Command Prompt in Mac ?

Just like we have an option in Windows OS like "Open Command Prompt here" , do we ever wanted to open a folder right from the Command prompt, with out navigating back to the folder ?

Here is a simple tip to open a folder from Command prompt, with out going through the folder structure. 

when you are working on a long command prompt , and you wanted to copy file from that location and send an email or upload to any cloud environment. 

just type "open ." , and it will open a folder in GUI . 

OR to open "xyz" folder one step back "open ../xyz"