Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

Need an Enough Noise for Work ?

Is the Noise Always bad for a Creative Taught's & Work productivity ? Well, the Survey says other wise. Read here for more details.

University of Chicago has conducted a Survey and found that Working in a limited Noisy Environment's ( like Coffee Shops ) improves the Work productivity than a Silent Environment. 

Are you a person who works from Home , OR Are you a person who has a closed cabin and where Silence dominates your Creativity ?

  • Research Shows It's Pretty Hard to be Creative in a Quiet Space .  

  • At Same time Loud Workspace can be Frustrating and can't put your focus.

  • But the Mix of Calm and commotion in a environment like a coffee house is proven to be the best environment for your Creative Thinking..!!

So, Now you know that Coffee shop environment is great for Creative juices to be flown , Lets get the Coffee shop to your work station by simply visiting Coffitivity. 

Coffitivity has Customized apps for your Android, iPhone, Mac Book where you can create your own Coffee Shop work environment. 

Give it a Try with Coffitivity and Go Creative .. !! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to Remove Blogger Navigation Bar ?

When you host/create a Blog on Blogger there is a default Navigation Bar will be displayed on top of the site/page.

In process of making your blog look like website, you can remove the Blogger Navigation Bar in 3 steps.

  1. Login to Blogger and click on your Blog Title to navigate to respective blog. 
  2. Goto your Layouts page and click on edit in the "navbar" gadget .
  3. Click on "Off" button in the popup window and click on "save" 
Thats it.. !! all set.. !!