Showing posts with label Panoramic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Panoramic. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Create Panoramic from scattered photos : PhotoStitcher

PhotoStitcher is a very new and innovative easy to use tool for combining multiple overlapping pictures into a single panoramic image.

Many times we have been out for vacation, road trip or hiking, to capture the complete view of the picture is not an easy.. We do have panoramic on iPhone, but its not easy to capture than a certain limit, Teorex has recently released this very useful software PhotoStitcher

Here is the very simple steps to get the PhotoStitcher get to work for you to create a beautiful Panoramic for you. 

PhotoStitcher automatically addresses the technical issues like alignment, distortion, overlapping . Its going to be the best tool for graphic designers or photography lovers. 

  • Download the PhotoStitcher for windows or mac Here

  • Select your Scattered photographs from your computer 
  • Click "Stitch" and let the program stitch the photographs ( even Overlapping photos ) 
  • Change the clipping rect based on requirement and crop the photo per your needs. 
  • Enjoy the beautiful PhotoStitch Panoramic picture.